Retrieves all available content fields for an individual course.

idUnique course identifier
course-idCandlefox Course ID
slugCourse slug
linkListing URL on Candlefox's website
title_renderedName of the course
provider_nameName of the provider
provider_logoURL for the provider’s logo
provider_descA 1-2 paragraph overview of the provider
acf_top_panel_contentsIncludes CTAs and other crucial dot points that all users must see
acf_overviewA 1-3 paragraph overview of the course
acf_career_outcomesA list of career paths post completing the course in dot points
acf_entry_requirementsRequirements that must be met to be accepted into the course
acf_what_youll_learnWhat are the skills you’ll learn and things you’ll come away with after finishing the course?
acf_subjectsUnits/Modules/Chapters of the course broken into several partitions
acf_start_dateWhen can the users apply for this course?
acf_duration_study_loadHow long does the course take to complete? Is it offered in different formats? (Full time/Part-time)
acf_course_featuresFeatures of the course and things that make this course stand out
acf_further_study_education_pathwaysAfter completing this course, what other educational pathways become available?
acf_work_placementDetails about any work placement that’s involved in the course
acf_recognition_of_prior_learningWhat recognition is given to any prior learning undertaken?
acf_professional_recognitionWhat professional bodies will you be recognised by following this course?
acf_assessmentVia what methods will you be assessed throughout the course?
acf_materialsAre there any materials needed or supplied for this course?
acf_payment_optionsWhat are the payment options for this course?
acf_additional_informationAdditional information that doesn’t fit into other categories
taxonomy_pa_0600_deliveryHow is the course delivered?
taxonomy_pa_0200_levelWhat level is this course?
taxonomy_pa_0300_locationIf a face-to-face component exists, where is this done?
taxonomy_pa_0100_subjectWhat subjects is this course tagged in?
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